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Who Stole My Money?

Hey Guys!!!

How have you been in the last few days and how has Nigeria been to you? Rather, lol, how have you been to Nigeria? And yes, happy children's day, everyone; y’all are children of God, right?

Before I delve into the gist for today o, I need your advise; and I'm very serious about it. Since this week commenced, my morning hunger pangs have really increased 😔. Honestly, when I'm yet to eat in the morning, I feel lightheaded and somewhat weak. It hasn't been like this for a long while. What's happening na? Is it a weather thing? If you have answers, please, drop it in the comment session. E da Kun (please)🙈

To today's gist, due to one of the hunger sessions I had yesterday, I had to calm my nerves with Ewa Agoyin (beans and sauce made by the Agoyins. To know a little about the Agoyins, please, click here) and yam.

Ewa Agoyin with fried ripe plantain. 
Picture credit: Pinterest

Fast forward till afternoon when I was hungry again, I settled after so many back and forth to eat Fufu (made from cassava and is very filling) with gbegiri (beans soup) and ewedu (spinach) without beef. To make this happen, I headed to the canteen where they sell the food for the very first time. I went in the company of a colleague.

You see, anyone close to me knows that I prefer egg to beef when eating out at canteens. The beef they sell is usually so small and almost irrelevant (to me); so, why not go for egg instead? Since they probably don't sell egg there, I bought just the swallow and soup.

Mind you, when I bought the Ewa Agoyin, I gave the Lady #500 and collected my change. After I bought the Fufu at the canteen, I proceeded to make payment. I paid #200, but while I made the payment, I was so sure that the money in my lunch bag wasn't complete. There was to be a #100 balance (2 #50 notes) which was now #50, (So, even if I wanted beef, money at hand wasn't sufficient).

Immediately, my FBI instincts (don't ask me where I got it from, I have it; lol) told me that I probably gave the lady #250 mistakenly and she took it and didn't say anything. Another thought said the balance of #50 dropped on the floor and due to the busyness of the canteen, a sharp guy had bent to pick it up. 

I had this thought for a while before I shrugged it off to concentrate on other things at work. The thought still returned o. That was when my best friend, the Holy Ghost spoke. It was He who reminded me that I gave the Ewa Agoyin seller #500 and bought beans and yam for #250. That meant my change was complete and nobody took or stole the balance.

Chai, and I had suspected almost everyone because of #50. Have you been in my shoes? That you had to suspect everyone because of something you didn't have a full grasp of? And then, you discovered that it wasn't what you were wrong? Not to worry, it's not too late to apologise to God and also to them. You hear? 




Lolz, on a flip ehn, thank God I didn't attempt to impress my colleague by buying beef; I won't have had enough to pay, would have suspected everyone and thus, the matter would have been worse.

This is what I have to say, “the Holy Ghost is indispensable; we can't do without Him!”

To have the Holy Ghost help you solve your puzzles as He did with mine, all you need to do is accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. My friend, wherever Jesus is, the Holy Ghost will be there. Tell Him to forgive you your sins, invite Him to help you, start to study your Bible and live a holy and prayerful life. Lastly, join a bible believing Church around you. God bless you!

© Emibusolami, 2021.


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