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Why I Stopped Writing For So Long!

Many a times, I want to express myself via writing. By God’s grace, I know I’m an articulate writer. I express myself better when writing than speaking. However, as soon as I set my mind to write, the enthusiasm drops and I’m wondering why I wanted to write. Some other times, I’m also thinking that what I want to write might be private. 

You see, I’m privileged to have certain private and dynamic relationships with different kind of people. As such, I’m being careful of writing what will make these people think I’m writing about them. At the same time, I love being private - I also wouldn’t want to write and the smart Peeps in my corner add one plus one to make eleven. Lol. 

Many reasons, right? Is it just me? Am I thinking too much? Am I caring too much? Am I too concerned? Am I am I? 🙈

Let’s go into what we have for us today. You see, sometime in the year 2021, my phone was stolen. That was like the third phone that got missing within the space of three years. Unfortunately for me at that time, I had just changed my email password and hadn’t fully memorized it. Several attempts made by me to retrieve my email proved abortive because I had turned on two-factor authentication. Another cogent reason was because the fellow who stole the phone didn’t exactly clear my details from it. 

I knew that I had treasured memories in here, so, I kinda stopped writing for all to read because I felt I wouldn’t get access to my blog and my email anymore. However, a miracle happened last week. My Husband (yeahhhhhhhh, by God’s grace) notified me about an information from Google about disabling inactive accounts. He took that as a cue to try retrieving my email again. And yes, to God’s praise, this time, it worked and now, I’m back here by God’s grace.

Am I back to writing my memoirs so we’d learn together, pray, gist and laugh? Ermm, I honestly can’t say for now. However, I’m glad that I got my email and my blog back.

And, that’s was why you stopped reading from me. Who missed me?

PS: I created other email addresses, but this stood out for me and was on my mind for a long time; hence, the happiness of retrieving it. I even tried opening another blog, but … You already know the answer.


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