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Party Rice.

Wonderful People of God!

How're we doing today? And how did the service go at our respective churches yesterday? Mine was beautiful and colourful as we had our family carnival. I had great fun cheering some of my team members from my corner.

To the gist of today(it's a long read but very interesting),  anyone who claims to be close to me must know that I don't really fancy rice as food; in fact, at home, I'd rather go for morsels than rice. However, there's a twist to this🙈😉-- clears throat, I really like party jollof rice💃.

You see, there are some life events that really excites me; they are weddings and naming ceremonies. The reasons aren't far-fetched, it is an introduction of a totally new beginning and of course, the party rice that comes with these events.

So, there are these beautiful blood of Jesus sisters of mine. Let's call them Ukot and Anra respectively. So it happened that someone was to have her child's naming ceremony, of course, I was very happy because there were no calamities and also, because of the party rice 😊😁. In the course of sharing my excitement about the naming ceremony, I told Anra I was looking forward to the party rice especially. All of a sudden, Ukot who wasn't really participating in the conversation said that I won't be given the party rice.


I didn't allow it cool o, I told her immediately that I would but she won't be given. She took it really personal and said I wasn't supposed to talk that way and that she's God's daughter too, and can pray that there would be no party rice for me. I just smiled and told her to try it.

Lolz! Imagine serious drama from Ukot and I on somebody's party rice o. Anyways, I told her I said what I said because if she was interested in the party rice, she wouldn't have said that there wouldn't be for me. In summary, I apologized, told her I took back my words and there will be party rice for her, lol😁, and we moved on.

Then the D-Day came. After the ceremony, Ukot and I were privileged to be the song ministers for that day. You won't believe that we weren't served any party rice o; immediately I noticed that we weren't served, I sharply prayed to God to forgive us for playing with our sonship because of party rice. Lols. God had mercy, and someone suddenly remembered that the song ministers were yet to be served rice. In fact, I had a plate extra which I gave innocent Anra.

Morals, right? Don't let your desires drag you into being overconfident at the expense of other people's beliefs in God(during that brief misunderstanding, Ukot said I spoke to her like I was the only one who God answers, that meant that I passed a wrong message to her). Don't let your desires make you do or say things that will drag your spiritual sonship into the mud. Imagine two spiritual sisters quarrelling mildly because of party rice? 🤔. Chai, I don't want to ever be in that situation again with God by my side!

So, have you ever been in a similar situation? Mind sharing? How did you go out of it?

I look forward to seeing your comments. Don't forget that Jesus loves you and will do everything to make you smile.

God bless you!

PS: We still perceived a sweet aroma of party rice yesterday, and together, we echoed, “party rice,” and laughed!

Photo credit: Eleanor Ajoku.


  1. Lol, but I think it's the same (or almost the same) when we pray God to punish (or destroy by fire, or make the ground to swallow etc) our enemies, while we always ask for God's mercies and forgiveness for ourselves. Some (or should I say all) of these enemies are also loved by God and HE wants them to repent, and HE is giving them the time to do that, just as HE did to us.

  2. A party rice 😂
    You know sometimes we might not know what we are saying
    We might probably feel that we are speaking in Faith


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