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Inside Life.

Hullo everyone, it's been some days, right?

Happy new month! 💃 💃

Please, pardon me; your gist partner has been involved in some profitable somethings. 😂

Let's dive straight to the gist of today. Anyone really close to me knows that after choosing a plate of beans accompanied with soaked gari(cassava flakes), one of the best gifts you can give me is a journal and a pen. Whoosh! I will pray for the person from my heart, tell everyone about that person and scream in pure delight.

It so happened that a very dear friend of mine, let's call him Dee, has a very fine orange coloured journal that I fell in love with. I have a general love for journals, but this particular one caught my eye. I did all I could for Dee to gift me that journal o, but no, he didn't buy any of it. So, I gave up and continued to use my diary for everything I needed to write. Mind you, Dee is a poet, a scribbler and a many other something person. In the course of the past week, I was gisting with a colleague in church about his journal and how I really loved journals. He told me the price of his, I was honest enough to tell him that at that time, I wouldn't be able to get that. Do you know what happened few days later, this colleague of mine surprised me with a journal more beautiful that that of Dee; and yes, Dee liked my new journal, but I rubbed it in his face. 😉.

Morals? Whatever you give will come back to you in a bigger way. Not minding that Dee refused me his journal, I had gifted him a birthday souvenir(a jotter) some days back, and God returned it to me as a beautiful journal. Kapish!


To my second gist for you today, my younger sister sent me two pictures of her in recent times, and I realised that she had added flesh about 4 times my size. I'm a size 6/8 lady, she should be around 10/12. That's a big difference right? So, I asked her what she was taking or eating if it was something I could try out; she told me “inside life.” Immediately she typed that, I told her those drugs have their side effects. My intention was to rub it in with her whenever we see. I didn't really mean to use anything, I just wanted to confirm that she wasn't using any artificial method to get thicker.

Eventually, we did saw; and I brought up the conversation, you won't believe what she said after I asked her about the fattening drug she was using. She looked at me laughing, she said,

“Inside life isn't a drug o, it's a slang that insinuates that anything can happen inside life.”

Chai, I felt so funny and foolish. 😂. Here I was thinking she was using one supplement or the other... I then explained myself to her and she couldn't help laughing at me. I laughed at myself and still do too.

In all of these, my best friend taught me not to judge based on my own assumptions about a subject matter, rather, I should take my time to find out a matter before drawing the right inference.

So, I hope you learn not to judge people even in this new month of August. Till we hear from each other againh, have a greaaat life in Jesus' love.

Jesus loves you, I do too.



  1. Wow!!!!!. I just learnt another slang . Inside life

  2. I learnt again not to be judgmental, and also to give irrespective of whether I am given or not. This is hard though, but the Holy Ghost will help me in the mighty name of Jesus. Holy Ghost help me.


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