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Checked On Me.

Hello dear friends, it's been a more than three days something, right? Please, pardon me; many chips came down at almost the same time, however, I specifically thank God for the grace He's blessed me with, and the people builders He deliberately placed around me for such a time as this!

So, let's go into the gist of tonight: In the year 2017, I became friends with Tolu Josh(real name) during a youth national convention. We grew into being good friends from the casual level things. He probably would have liked that we went past the platonic stage, but I didn't take too much notice.

Some months into our friendship, my phone was stolen and I had to use a makeshift phone. During the time I used the makeshift, Tolu called to check on me having not heard from me for a while. I picked the call, did like I knew it was him and appreciated him. I did that because I'd eventually know the person las las 😂. Afterwards, I went further and saved his name on the makeshift as “Checked On Me.”

Later the next year, I synced my contacts online. Before you knew it, my phone was stolen again. By the time I got another phone to restore my contacts, Tolu's name was still saved as it was; “Checked On Me.” Then, I went ahead to change his name to his professional name on my phone. The mistake I made was leaving the “Checked On Me” on my phone. This implied that whenever Tolu Josh called, the name to appear would be “Checked On Me,” instead of “Tolu Imagery.”

Then the unexpected happened during the RCCG National Convention this month. Tolu and I had course to work from the same studio. He was probably looking for his phone that day, and boom, he requested to use my phone. He dialled his number on my phone, saw “checked on me” and took it personal. I tried all my best to explain and sort things out, but he just agreed with his lips and still has me in his heart. Biko, help me apologize to Tolu to move on o; I've deleted the “Checked On Me” and saved his name properly on my phone.

Morals, right? I learnt to always introduce myself whenever I call anyone, anyone! Also, I learnt to give allowances to people and also hear them out when stuff happens.

Okay friends, let's hear what you have to say.

Never ever forget that Jesus loves you endlessly. He's got you!

PS: The pictures attached below were shot by Tolu, he can be reached on 08104004751.


  1. Checked on me kwa... Someborri created by God? Ah!!! You're wicked sha...if na me I for break ya head... Chai, that thing dey pain o

    1. Lolz, I will not kuku do it again o. Thank you for the subtle advice. 😂

  2. Now she made the decision to share with everyone what transpired between humble self Tolu josh and her .. Adewodun Busolami .. Well I already moved on. And only surprise to see this.

    Here my view, always try your possible best to make corrections where needed and at the appropriate time. One love

    1. Don't mind her o. Lolz.

      It's great that we have you back dear.

  3. Chai. Let me come and use style flash my number too on your phone oo.

  4. Taiwo Kasumu Latunji26 August 2019 at 22:52

    Lovely write up!
    This also applies to relationships and marriages too. The name used in storing one's partner contact also shows how special that person is to him or her, and how dedicated he or she is to him or her.

    For instance, you have wives who save their husbands contact with Mr so and so or simply his first name. Definitely that tells you there is no depth in their relationship.

    1. I'm wondering why your example is solely on women. Lolz.

      The truth is this: you're right.

      Thank you for the encouragement bro, God be praised.

  5. I learnt to let people know if I don't have their contact in my phone, when they call.

    1. Actually, I can sometimes detect people's identity from their voices; but that failed me that day.

      I'll have to takea cue from you.


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