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Was I Just Rejected? Me??

Hello dearest people in the universe.

I'm not flattering you, your being dear and special to God makes you the dearest of all 😉.

I'd like to share a feeling which I've been fighting with and winning for a while with you. In my short stay here on earth, I realised that everyone I've come across has at one time or the other struggled with that feeling in particular.

I'm talking about the feeling of rejection. Rejection happens when you don't get what you think you truly deserve even after trying every possible way to upgrade your relations which covers your actions, words and thoughts. Mind you, the above discussion is mine; I didn't check the dictionary for it.

Sometimes, when this feeling occurs in the course of an event with a dear one or a respected person, it leaves me withdrawn from every other activities with that person or situation which isn't the best option always.

Formerly, when such happened, I'd shut off like NEPA 💡 or like it never happened but develop a hard heart towards that person; that changed after Jesus got in. However, instead of allowing that hurt me unnecessarily now, wisdom demands that I looked for how to work that out. Best Friend helped me, I did.

When it happens, I try to decipher the reason(s) through asking questions from the person or those around if it's with me, the environment, situation, mood or the person. Whichever level it falls determines how I'll shake things off. Also, I draw great strength from the reassuring love of God and divert my attention to something else which will profit me.

Some of us may wonder to yourself,

“Why is she sharing this part of her?”

I'm doing so to let you know that although, I come here to post funny and interesting stories, it doesn't mean I don't pass through similar stuff as you do: however, in all of these, we are more than conquerors through God who loves us beyond definition and would do anything to make you and I full of joy.

Okay! Thanks for reading and learning as always; watch out for the next post, it's about how my Best Friend devised a strategy for me to fight and overcome suicidal thoughts, yes, suicidal thoughts. Smiles.

So, I'd like to read from you on how you overcome the feeling of rejection in the comment section; let's go! 

Remember Jesus loves you, I do too.



  1. Tell us the situation and circumstances of your rejection fez... You just clinically hid it and became a politician ehn... Matters of the heart, you need blankets to properly cover


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