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Good morning guys.

Trust you're fine and bubbling well.

How was your weekend? Trust it wasn't full and short? Mine was, smiles.

Something worthy of sharing happened to me last week Friday, kindly follow me. I had a really busy day at work that Friday. By the time I rounded off work, everything on my mind was to rush off to join my mum at her office for us to go home. Before I got there, I chatted my BMF(Best Male Friend) up so we could have an emergency date. Anyways, this didn't hold because it was too sudden. Of course, I wasn't pleased with that(it is sorted out though). By the time i arrived mum's office, mum was out too.


I know what you are thinking, I had my transportation fare because I had learnt well from the previous fare challenge I had. I called mum and she told me it was very okay to leave without her. Don't forget that I was tired and hungry; which meant that I obeyed mum immediately. When I got to the terminal, I met a growing queue. I didn't need any prophet to tell me to join before it grew much longer. after standing for few minutes, I realised that some individuals flouted the queue rules which is waiting for your turn before you get attended to. I made up my mind right where I was not to follow that example. All of a sudden, a tricyle drove to where I was. The 'James Bond' in me already left about one  or persons before me to enter. I literally jumped the queue! Lol!

Trust my best Friend to correct me; He pointed my attention to that and I told Him I was sorry. That wasn't all, I started devouring the fruits I bought on the way in the tricycle, unlike the normal me; I would have invited one or two people beside me. Few minutes into our trip, a co-passenger exclaimed "Driver, this back tyre has gone flat. Why didn't you fix this before starting your journey?" Was I unhappy, oh yes, I was. But i quickly dived into something I love to do, I started to encourage my fellow passengers to stay a bit while the driver looked fir where to fix his tyre. I even gave him my word that I was going to wait. Meanwhile, where the young man dropped us was a place where getting another vehicle happens by grace. My motivation worked on my fellow passengers for a while, but it lost its powers few minutes later. Of course, you know what happened, those guys left and found their ways to their respective locations. Oops! I was left alone at that junction. I even waited for the driver for a while, but he ended up disappointing me.

Do you know what I did? I humbly took a long walk to the bus terminal, and humbly took another tricycle. I corrected my previous mistake and even offered to share my fruits. Lol!

I learnt 3 lessons, they are;
1). Don't jump a queue again.
2). Don't ever jump a queue again.
3). Don't you ever jump a queue ever.


Don't hesitate to comment, share and like.

Have a great week ahead guys.

I remain your friend, Busolami.


    ☆I relearnt a learnt lesson, never to disobey my Best Friend...
    ☆not to jump queues
    ☆not to ever jump queues
    ☆not to ever jump queues EVER!
    ☆lastly, don't give your word to a taxi driver (esp about waiting for vehicle repairs) when you're hungry and tired and especially after jumping a queue

    thanks for this sis, I'm blessed


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