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What's happening guys, trust we are fine!

Good morning everyone.

I have a question for you.

How do you cope with those that act like they seem to know it all and still continue in that track even when it is obvious that you clearly understood what they were saying? Whew! I experienced that today. I was out of my office yesterday to the head office to acquire a skill, and of course it was successful. By the time I resumed this morning, one of my senior colleagues took over this position of 'I know it all.' I gave all the looks to make him understand that there was no need to say all he knew; I am still not sure he got the message because he continued on and on. Even when I got a bit tired of the short morning lecture and told him I understood already, he went on still. Trust me, I sat still and waited for him to round off, when he did, I breathed a sigh of relief. At the long run, I was grateful he did because he mentioned the importance of one thing that I wasn't told at the training. I learnt not to be impatient, and also learnt to understand sign languages more in communication. Lol! I learnt something after-all.

Okay, to the gist of today, I had an experience in the previous week which I would like to share. My mum told me specifically one night to always give her my budget in time. Reason is because as an accountant, she loves to plan whatever she has into what she does: as a sociologist(I mean me) I love to plan and also make impromptu decisions. So you can see the dilemma, right?

I became obedient and informed mum that I would be needing my transportation fare for the next day, still impromptu... She gave me and I kept the money in my journal; there is hardly nothing I don't put into my journal as long as it is in paper form. The next morning, as I rushed out of the house, I saw something that looked like a thousand naira note on the center table, I picked it up at first but dropped it on the table after I confirmed my money was there. Meanwhile, I dropped the journal and my handbag on the table the previous night. So it was normal that I thought that it was my money. Immediately, I flipped the journal and saw another one thousand naira note in it. So I dropped the one on the center table and said to myself that my mum had dropped it because of my younger ones at home to probably sort out some things.

My mum dropped me off at the usual stop to get the next bus for work(I can find my way around now, praise God for me, lol!). I saw an empty blue bus with a young man as the driver. I felt it was nice to sit beside the driver, which I did. I don't know what happened that day, but I felt really good with myself. I was all smiles and all poised. Then the most important time to the driver came, time to collect bus fare from the passengers. The driver then asked "madam, your money." Confidently, I replied "alright." I then proceeded to bring out the money to pay the driver. I flipped opened my journal to bring out the money, lo and behold, I couldn't find it. I transferred the search into my bag, yet the money was nowhere to be found. My face was suddenly flushed with confusion, my face started perspiring hot in the calm weather. Don't forget that I was seated right beside the driver. He saw my confusion and asked what the challenge was. I was honest and told him that I misplaced my transportation fare. I was honestly expecting him to shout and embarrass me as it was common to some drivers and bus conductors, surprisingly, he replied me in a very soothing voice that calmed down my tensed mood. He further surprised me by asking for the exact place I was headed, he asked if I had any money on me to convey me to my exact location, and I responded in the negative. This nice driver told me that wasn't a problem, wow! That means he was going to pay my extra fare? I was so grateful to God and this man. Then I realized that I need not go to the last bus stop, I could alight at another place and pass a quicker route. I spoke out my thoughts to the driver, he got another feather to his cap from me when he said I was going to run late to work and could be penalized. I told him not to bother that I was going to be fine. he agreed with me and dropped me off where I requested.

Whew! You needed to know how elated and relieved I was that morning. Meanwhile, when I alighted from mum's car that morning, on my way to the bus terminal, the Holy Spirit instructed me to drop the last Fifty naira note on me(I was going to buy apple with that money) for someone in need; of course, I had no idea that it was my last money as at then; I probably would have protested. And then, it got me thinking, what if the driver had a conductor that wasn't understanding? What if the driver himself refused the promptings of the Holy Spirit to help me? What if he had dropped me off on the way to work? My 'what ifs' are so many.

So I learnt to be obedient, and not to underrate anyone, not even a bus driver or their conductor. I also learnt to keep my transport fee in a separate and a sure place. God used that young man to bless and save me from embarrassment that day. Do you know that the money was what I saw that morning on the center table? Lol! As for the money I thought was in my journal, would you believe it was a flier? Sighs. All things indeed work together for our good.

You wanna know how I got home that day? Check back tomorrow.

Don't forget to like, comment and share.

I am Busolami.

God bless you.


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